
Half assed employee engagement attempts are worse than no attempts.

My department is in office this week. Somebody decided to do a scavenger hunt, and trivia bingo. Ok – I’m game for something different. The first ten people win a company branded 10oz thermal travel cup, and then the next so many get snacks. Whatever – I’m in it for the stimulation, not the prizes. The scavenger hunt is to find the little pictures of [redacted spokesperson] scattered around the office and take selfies… ok – what do we do with them? How many to get a prize? The trivia bingo – I’m game for a good wiki-spiral on company time, and it is neat to learn about the black history and women’s health stuff they slip in… until I’ve gone on 3 rants already about how inaccurate the questions are. I spent 15 minutes this morning writing a rant about how inventing the Industrial Standard Architecture Bus =/= inventing…

My department is in office this week. Somebody decided to do a scavenger hunt, and trivia bingo. Ok – I’m game for something different. The first ten people win a company branded 10oz thermal travel cup, and then the next so many get snacks. Whatever – I’m in it for the stimulation, not the prizes.

The scavenger hunt is to find the little pictures of [redacted spokesperson] scattered around the office and take selfies… ok – what do we do with them? How many to get a prize?

The trivia bingo – I’m game for a good wiki-spiral on company time, and it is neat to learn about the black history and women’s health stuff they slip in… until I’ve gone on 3 rants already about how inaccurate the questions are.

I spent 15 minutes this morning writing a rant about how inventing the Industrial Standard Architecture Bus =/= inventing IBM’s original PC and color monitor, or the ‘technology’ for printers, keyboards, and mice. Yes, it’s massively important, but no, it is not the technology for printers, keyboards and mice.

And then trying to figure out “who is known for their patented improvements to the fountain pen”… I can find 6 people. Which one? Which patents? How many patents? ?!?! I just threw away the card. The reward for a bingo is snacks.

It turns out I get painfully pedantic on 3 hours of sleep. The one thing that I was hoping to have a little fun with as my department nears 1 year of 5+ hours a week of mandatory overtime turned out to be an annoying piece of shit.

IDGAF about bread and circuses, I want to know why they didn’t look at pre-covid task trends and start hiring more people in late 2021 when it was clear our task counts were continuing to increase to pre-covid levels. We were some 80k tasks behind in march 2020, the only reason we caught up is people quit driving so other departments could help us and we didn’t have the same incoming volume. When I, a low level front-end grunt can look at our task volume and tell you what’s coming at us 6+ months out… there is something seriously fucked up when upper management either doesn’t see it or thinks it’s ok to to run us through the wringer.

P.s. – got any recommendations for good, rage-y playlists on Spotify? Or bands I can look into? I’m normally a classic rock, 90’s country, and bluegrass type person, but part of me really wants some good “scream into the void angry” music today.

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