
Half of the middle-aged female customers are demon possessed maniacal brides of Satan.

This is a rant from my formal retail days. I have seen middle-aged women throw themselves on the ground, scream at 100 decibels, claim to have heart cancer and asthma attacks and all types of things when they don't get their way. American women seem to enjoy acting like the biblical whore of Babylon or Satan's mistress. These women are conduits for actual demonic activity. Nobody acted like this in the 80s or 90s. Somehow, society changed.

This is a rant from my formal retail days. I have seen middle-aged women throw themselves on the ground, scream at 100 decibels, claim to have heart cancer and asthma attacks and all types of things when they don't get their way. American women seem to enjoy acting like the biblical whore of Babylon or Satan's mistress. These women are conduits for actual demonic activity. Nobody acted like this in the 80s or 90s. Somehow, society changed.

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