
Happy Ending~

I wanted to share a little story about a workplace I've been working at for the past 5 months, and that I've finally decided to quit after my shift last night. I only took on this job because I needed some money to pay for my college expenses, and I was looking for a part time job during the semester. Most other places around me wouldn't hire me because of my part time availability, but this one did. It's a restaurant and I was hired on to-go, despite coming in for an interview for a serving position. But, again I needed money, so I decided to take the position for some cash. Now, on to-go you get minimum wage plus tips. There was also the issue of management not letting me be a server because they had so many different excuses. But that's not the main reason I quit (though…

I wanted to share a little story about a workplace I've been working at for the past 5 months, and that I've finally decided to quit after my shift last night.

I only took on this job because I needed some money to pay for my college expenses, and I was looking for a part time job during the semester. Most other places around me wouldn't hire me because of my part time availability, but this one did. It's a restaurant and I was hired on to-go, despite coming in for an interview for a serving position. But, again I needed money, so I decided to take the position for some cash. Now, on to-go you get minimum wage plus tips.

There was also the issue of management not letting me be a server because they had so many different excuses. But that's not the main reason I quit (though it was a factor that would've made me quit if not for the event I'm gonna tell you about next).

Yesterday was Mother's Day. Obviously, restaurants, in-dining and to-go, are extremely busy during holidays and weekends and especially when you combine the two. And, obviously, we were very busy. There were 4 people, including myself, clocked in for to-go and about 6 hours into my shift, my manager wanted me to roll silverware. So yeah, why not. I did it. Mind you I was still clocked in for to-go. At the end, however, my coworkers refused to split tips with me because I was rolling silverware. When I asked my managers, one said no, and the other literally that “That's not my problem. That's for you guys to figure out that's y'alls money not mine.” Unprofessional management, right?

Here's the thing; since I was clocked in as to-go, those tips (the credit card ones) are received in cash, but automatically split amongst our paychecks. So, I'm getting taxed for wages that are being reported into my paycheck but that I'm not receiving.

Similar situations have happened multiple times. There was a time where my coworker was clocked in as to-go with me and she didn't do anything related to to-go the entire shift (she was serving her aunt and uncle, and she's not even a server) and I still had to split tips with her.

If hosts roll silverware, they still receive a tip out (but this is paid in their paycheck rather than them receiving it in cash). So why is this any different for me? Why am I the only one not getting my tips that I'm literally getting taxed for when I didn't receive those wages?

Anyways, I quit with no notice (legal in my state). I decided to just do a no call no show situation. This is especially bad for them since I'm the only one out of everyone working on to-go who has full time availability, and they're all quitting as well. So not only do they not have a full-time person, they're eventually not gonna have anyone to work to-go! This and I'm calling corporate to record the exact policy, then reporting my workplace to the labor department. So, they'll be losing money! All because they refused to let me have my share of tips. I also already have a new job secured, so that's not my problem.

Maybe I sound a bit immature, but I'm pissed off at this point. Not being given a promised role, the hypocrisy of “policies.” Either way, they're screwed and they'll have no one to work to go anymore. Not my problem anymore. Anyways, this is just a story I wanted to share!

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