

Need advice. I work for a small non profit and am one of the managers onsite. I have four employees. There are 2 other middle manager type colleagues I have who I work closely with and we report to the same exec director. I have been out this week and last because I’ve had the flu, plus my dad had the flu and my mom had covid. All in all it wasn’t a great situation to be coming to work. I used sick days last week and then attempted to come back to work but just completely relapsed. One of the other middle managers, we can call her Rachel, was a pretty big advocate for me staying home and working remotely and was pretty supportive of this (she is the person who does the scheduling). My boss was also supportive of this. The other middle manager, we can call him…

Need advice.

I work for a small non profit and am one of the managers onsite. I have four employees. There are 2 other middle manager type colleagues I have who I work closely with and we report to the same exec director. I have been out this week and last because I’ve had the flu, plus my dad had the flu and my mom had covid. All in all it wasn’t a great situation to be coming to work. I used sick days last week and then attempted to come back to work but just completely relapsed. One of the other middle managers, we can call her Rachel, was a pretty big advocate for me staying home and working remotely and was pretty supportive of this (she is the person who does the scheduling). My boss was also supportive of this. The other middle manager, we can call him Joe, had a different reaction.
Joe is someone I work with a lot but our jobs interact less; he honestly tends to insert himself a lot into projects onsite that would not normally involve an individual with his job. I let it go because we have a good working relationship most of the time and we are a small company so to an extent everyone does a bit of everything.
Last night Joe sent a very aggressive message to me in a group chat with Rachel and I asked him to stop. He had insinuated that our boss had an issue with me working remotely, so I checked with her and she said that there was no issue at all. She was concerned about the message from Joe so she asked me to document the interactions with him. He does have some mental health issues and has had episodes onsite in the past. She also asked me if I was aware of any other employees of which he’s had this interaction and I said I knew of some but wasn’t sure if it was my place to share any further details. She told me to encourage those employees to speak to her if they are comfortable.
This morning he sent another message to me in the same group chat demanding I come in to work, accusing me of faking being sick and saying that I have let my colleagues down. It felt really aggressive and was completely unprompted. I informed my boss of the situation again and she said we can talk about this in person when I am back onsite.
My question is, is he harassing me? Or is he just being a dick. I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it for me to stick out any sort of investigation or if I should just start looking for another job. I honestly have no other issues with this workplace, but the way Joe treats me at times is really causing me a great deal of discomfort.
Thanks for reading, any advice is appreciated

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