
Harassment? Hostile work environment? What to do?

My current employer is trying to get me to quit to avoid paying me unemployment. First they held an interview for my position and the owner is refusing to communicate with me at all. Today, the manager was in the freezer sabotaging my work in hopes of getting me to quit. He even said I’d you don’t like it quit. If I quit I won’t get unemployment. I’m in Kansas where they don’t need a reason to terminate me. I believe the owner is having the manager harass me in hopes of me quitting, this forfeiting unemployment. I’ve become significantly anxious and depressed as they don’t have a valid reason other than him (the owner) , stating several times he’s paying me too much versus what his grocery store is bringing in. Sales and advertising are not my job, they are his job and his management team. I don’t know…

My current employer is trying to get me to quit to avoid paying me unemployment. First they held an interview for my position and the owner is refusing to communicate with me at all. Today, the manager was in the freezer sabotaging my work in hopes of getting me to quit. He even said I’d you don’t like it quit. If I quit I won’t get unemployment. I’m in Kansas where they don’t need a reason to terminate me. I believe the owner is having the manager harass me in hopes of me quitting, this forfeiting unemployment. I’ve become significantly anxious and depressed as they don’t have a valid reason other than him (the owner) , stating several times he’s paying me too much versus what his grocery store is bringing in. Sales and advertising are not my job, they are his job and his management team. I don’t know what to do. I want to walk out so bad but I have a family. I’ve never had any write ups or marks against my work. All praise up until recently. When asked why they interviewed for my position, the manager says ask the owner who has been avoiding me since Monday.

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