
Has a boss completely flip out when I tried to give 2 week notice

This happened years ago but it seems relevant today. I was working at a bar downtown in a city/state I did not grow up in. The bar was themed after my favorite sports team from my home state so I thought it'd be cool to work there. Well that year was a very bad year for my team. About halfway through the crappy season I had recently landed a new job doing same thing (glorified burger flipper), with better pay and benefits. I went up to my boss after another tough loss by sports team to give him my notice and he snaps and screams at me to leave his bar. I'm like awesome I can start new job sooner, so I leave. 2 weeks go by and I stop back in at former job to get my final paycheck for hours worked. He claims, very loudly, that he doesn't…

This happened years ago but it seems relevant today.

I was working at a bar downtown in a city/state I did not grow up in. The bar was themed after my favorite sports team from my home state so I thought it'd be cool to work there.

Well that year was a very bad year for my team. About halfway through the crappy season I had recently landed a new job doing same thing (glorified burger flipper), with better pay and benefits. I went up to my boss after another tough loss by sports team to give him my notice and he snaps and screams at me to leave his bar. I'm like awesome I can start new job sooner, so I leave.

2 weeks go by and I stop back in at former job to get my final paycheck for hours worked. He claims, very loudly, that he doesn't owe me anything (I kept all my time slips from clocking in/out) and yells at me again to leave his bar or he'll call the police. I then leave ang go straight to the Dept. of Labor (the city I was living in is a state capital, so entities like that are located here). After I reported him I magically received a paycheck in the mail a week later. That felt good, but it gets better (in a way).

About 6 months later and new job seemed to be working out, but state I was living in wasn't. So I moved back home and transferred to new location that my company was opening. Then a few months later (plus a dumb mistake on my part) I got laid off. I go to claim unemployment but since I worked in another state in part of the previous year, my home state unemployment wanted work history from previous state which meant contacting former boss with anger management issues. We had a phone meeting where they called me first and listened to my side of the story. Then they put me on hold (yet I could hear everything), called old boss, and he proceeded to flip out on them. The person working at my state's unemployment hung up on him and laughed then said that I'd be getting full possible payments. It just felt so good to stick it to a P.O.S like him.

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