
Has anyone else dealt with jobs encouraging no breaks lately?

My last two jobs and current one have all had a weird unspoken “don't take your breaks” thing going on. The least recent I actually quit partially because of it. I worked long shifts and often alone and wouldn't get a break. They were even sued over it and did nothing to change. My last one, I could somewhat excuse because it was a small, family-owned restaurant that was only open four days a week for a few hours a night, so my shifts were short and so fast paced that I barely noticed the time going by and honestly I didn't mind because the environment was great and they were really cool about everything. If our shifts exceeded four hours, they encouraged us to take breaks, so it wasn't a big deal. My current job, though? Not a chance. Once I had to practically beg to get a break…

My last two jobs and current one have all had a weird unspoken “don't take your breaks” thing going on. The least recent I actually quit partially because of it. I worked long shifts and often alone and wouldn't get a break. They were even sued over it and did nothing to change.

My last one, I could somewhat excuse because it was a small, family-owned restaurant that was only open four days a week for a few hours a night, so my shifts were short and so fast paced that I barely noticed the time going by and honestly I didn't mind because the environment was great and they were really cool about everything. If our shifts exceeded four hours, they encouraged us to take breaks, so it wasn't a big deal.

My current job, though? Not a chance. Once I had to practically beg to get a break to sit in my car and warm up my feet because I was taking orders outside in the rain and my rain boots had flooded and both my pants and socks were soaked through. I was told “we're too busy.” Yeah, we're always busy. ALWAYS. Even more so when it rains for some reason. That doesn't mean I have to tolerate borderline inhumane conditions.

I often work 5+ hours without a moment to breathe. We don't get paid lunches unless we are scheduled more than 6 hours so they schedule us at 5 1/2 so they don't have to schedule a lunch. But then they make us stay an additional 10-30 min to stock and clean for the next group coming in. Asking for my legally owed ten minute break is laughable. And everyone is just… okay with this? Like no one else seems bothered by the fact that they don't encourage us to take breaks. And I don't want to be the one to start something about it because I already don't fit “the culture” this company pushes due to my age (28) and the fact that I'm plus size, so I have a pretty good idea of what will happen after if I stand up for myself.

I also noticed about two months in that the clock-in/out system tags you as late if you clock in at exactly your start time, and it automatically marks that you took a lunch break and you have to manually unselect it, or it takes a half hour from your time. Super sketchy and sneaky. I don't know how many of my coworkers are aware of this.

I guess I just wanted to vent because I'm frustrated and no other jobs in my area will work with my school schedule so I'm just trying to have an income until I graduate and transfer next year. I'm convinced I was deliberately hired because people started noticing that they're hiring younger and younger. I'm the oldest by at least five years and even my store manager and regional manager are younger than me. And I've had multiple people say they're surprised to see an “actual adult” working there. Never felt old before now lol

I also actually like my job, despite the tone of this post. I just hate how I'm treated and how I stand out due to my age.

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