
Has anyone else experienced a phenomena where work seems to disorient your sense of time?

I've had a few jobs but I'm currently experiencing something that I don't think I've experienced in my working life before. Basically, I feel like work has completely disoriented my sense of time. I struggle to notice the difference between different days. It just feels like I've been working one perpetually long day and the daytimes and night times are just meaningless aesthetics that indicate nothing. Hours have become nothing more than numbers that give me permission to take a break and I can barely remember whatever time I have off. My life feels like its moving at light speed and the only thing I can remember is working. Has anyone experienced this before? Is there a name for it? Anything I can do to mitigate it? ​

I've had a few jobs but I'm currently experiencing something that I don't think I've experienced in my working life before. Basically, I feel like work has completely disoriented my sense of time.

I struggle to notice the difference between different days. It just feels like I've been working one perpetually long day and the daytimes and night times are just meaningless aesthetics that indicate nothing. Hours have become nothing more than numbers that give me permission to take a break and I can barely remember whatever time I have off. My life feels like its moving at light speed and the only thing I can remember is working.

Has anyone experienced this before? Is there a name for it? Anything I can do to mitigate it?

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