
Has anyone ever noticed that “busy schedules” are usually 70-90% self-inflicted, needless problems in life?

Its usually a life, that was willingly, sold away to a go along, to get along existence at all costs. I have heard countless “busy schedule” rants from ppl and its all at best social validation gone wild over fear of being viewed as inadequate. The irony? All these “busy schedules” are robbing you of free-time and disposable income, by stretching your life thinner and thinner, that in turn almost guarantees you will be working longer and harder over flim flam at best until your last days. Your suffering in life is biochemical reactions at best.

Its usually a life, that was willingly, sold away to a go along, to get along existence at all costs. I have heard countless “busy schedule” rants from ppl and its all at best social validation gone wild over fear of being viewed as inadequate. The irony? All these “busy schedules” are robbing you of free-time and disposable income, by stretching your life thinner and thinner, that in turn almost guarantees you will be working longer and harder over flim flam at best until your last days. Your suffering in life is biochemical reactions at best.

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