
Has anyone had to deal with a jealous boss/manager?

This past year I have gotten several licenses and on Friday I started an apprenticeship that my company is paying for. But the charge from my mentor is coming straight from my boss’s budget. Since he received the bill, he hasn’t said one word to me. He shrugs me off when I ask him something or gives one word replies. One of my clients went in another direction, and he didn’t relay anything to me. Anytime I succeed he is fake happy for me, is the best I can describe it. Even on Friday when my mentor, a man with 60+ in the business and extremely respected, asked him when he was going to start his own location or do an apprenticeship and his response was how I needed to be more up to speed….. I know this location inside and out, and even though he has more years on…

This past year I have gotten several licenses and on Friday I started an apprenticeship that my company is paying for. But the charge from my mentor is coming straight from my boss’s budget. Since he received the bill, he hasn’t said one word to me. He shrugs me off when I ask him something or gives one word replies. One of my clients went in another direction, and he didn’t relay anything to me.

Anytime I succeed he is fake happy for me, is the best I can describe it. Even on Friday when my mentor, a man with 60+ in the business and extremely respected, asked him when he was going to start his own location or do an apprenticeship and his response was how I needed to be more up to speed…..

I know this location inside and out, and even though he has more years on me, his knowledge is limited to one role.

How do I navigate this?

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