
Has anyone purposely demoted themselves?

Has anyone ever taken a down-step in the corporate ladder in hopes of better fulfillment at work? I have been pushing at work to be transferred into a new, rather entry-level analyst position. I am currently in a business leadership type position, and I’ve gotten a lot of questions and pushback about my interest in the other position, especially since I’m likely due for a promotion in ~6 months. I am completely exhausted by the front facing nature of my current role, and would like to be more behind-the-scenes, I don’t believe I’ll take a pay cut if I transfer, but my title will hold less value most certainly. And a lot less. Has anyone had this experience? Any insights? Should I just drop it and try to turn my current position into something I enjoy more? There’s a lot of flexibility in my work, so I may be able…

Has anyone ever taken a down-step in the corporate ladder in hopes of better fulfillment at work?
I have been pushing at work to be transferred into a new, rather entry-level analyst position.
I am currently in a business leadership type position, and I’ve gotten a lot of questions and pushback about my interest in the other position, especially since I’m likely due for a promotion in ~6 months.
I am completely exhausted by the front facing nature of my current role, and would like to be more behind-the-scenes, I don’t believe I’ll take a pay cut if I transfer, but my title will hold less value most certainly. And a lot less.
Has anyone had this experience? Any insights? Should I just drop it and try to turn my current position into something I enjoy more? There’s a lot of flexibility in my work, so I may be able to take the reins a bit more in my current position, but there’s always going to be pressure in my current spot to do front facing things like chumming & networking over dinner with high value partners, etc etc. 🤢 ^ I’m aggressively introverted but a strong public speaker and know how to mask enough to be highly likable so I’m always getting put in these spots. When I have to “network” I feel like I’ve had the flu afterwards I’m so mentally and emotionally exhausted. Sometimes I have to use pto just to lay in bed afterwards.
I feel like I’m fighting against my nature.

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