
Hasbros/Wizards of the coast

I am surprised I haven't seen this on here given it shows how monsterly greedy and out of touch these companies have been with their communities. For those who don't know what I am talking about, I will give a brief summary. So Wizards of the coast is a subsidiary of Hasros, and they own the copy rights Dungeness and Dragons as well as the trade marks of certain creatures (like mindflare and beholder) any way they recently have been trying to revoke the Open gaming license (OGL) which is perpetual license that was written 20 years ago. What this license does is it allows 3rd party creators to publish their own content using this license to make content that is compatible with Dungeness and Dragons. Recently they received huge backlash from the community as they are trying to not only revoke this license but bully 3rd party creators (who…

I am surprised I haven't seen this on here given it shows how monsterly greedy and out of touch these companies have been with their communities. For those who don't know what I am talking about, I will give a brief summary. So Wizards of the coast is a subsidiary of Hasros, and they own the copy rights Dungeness and Dragons as well as the trade marks of certain creatures (like mindflare and beholder) any way they recently have been trying to revoke the Open gaming license (OGL) which is perpetual license that was written 20 years ago. What this license does is it allows 3rd party creators to publish their own content using this license to make content that is compatible with Dungeness and Dragons. Recently they received huge backlash from the community as they are trying to not only revoke this license but bully 3rd party creators (who are independent people or small business) into signing a new “open game license” that would give Wizards perpetual, irrevocable, and royalty free permission to take your work (lore, creatures, world, ect) and profit off it as well as having a 25% royalty that 3rd partieswould have to pay wizards (above $7500 gross profit). On top of that they could change this new “license” at any time. Now they did come out with an official statement but it is all lies. They claim that the new “open game license” that everyone is angry about was a “draft” but it wasn't. It was an official contract that they sent out to these 3rd parties to get them to bend. They then claimed in this statement addressing the backlash that they only had “3 goals” 1) to make it so someone could publish hateful content which the current open game license already allows them to revoke the individual license to those doing so 2) so someone couldn't make NFTs or blockchain which Hasbos is all about NFTs given the power ranger ones ( so basically trying to hold that for themselves and 3) (honestly the most ridiculous) that they wanted to protect it from big companies when they are the biggest fish in the market of Table top Role playing Games. This is barley scratching the surface from treating employees like trash to now leaked plans to charge a ridiculous 30 bucks a month for D&D beyond ( an online source and tracker). I want more people to see how greedy and underhanded these companies are so we can call them out (even better if you hit them in the wallet).

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