
hat discrimination Linking this for my source Two things have come together. It is so cold at my retail job that I am visibly shivering and have goosebumps even with leggings under my jeans and wearing a turtleneck shirt under a sweatshirt. I also have been considering adopting the practice of always wearing a hat/bandana when in public for religious reasons. I'm not comfortable sharing those reasons here, but I am sincere about this and have been thinking about adding this practice to my life for about two years. I'm so fed up about being mildly sick all the time and my hands being blue for 20 hours a week, that this morning I decide “screw it, I'm wearing a hat”. I've been (re : physical comfort) absolutely miserable at work the last 3 months. As soon as a manager sees the hat she tells me to take it off. I…

Linking this for my source

Two things have come together. It is so cold at my retail job that I am visibly shivering and have goosebumps even with leggings under my jeans and wearing a turtleneck shirt under a sweatshirt. I also have been considering adopting the practice of always wearing a hat/bandana when in public for religious reasons. I'm not comfortable sharing those reasons here, but I am sincere about this and have been thinking about adding this practice to my life for about two years.

I'm so fed up about being mildly sick all the time and my hands being blue for 20 hours a week, that this morning I decide “screw it, I'm wearing a hat”. I've been (re : physical comfort) absolutely miserable at work the last 3 months.

As soon as a manager sees the hat she tells me to take it off. I tell her it's for religious reasons and show her how blue my hands are. She raises her voice at me and starts grilling me about what religion it is and tearing apart that point in my statement. As stated in the link above, she is not allowed to do this. She tells me I can wear it the rest of my shift but that she will be talking to the head store manager about it, and I'm “not allowed” to talk to that person before she does.

I've read the link above multiple times at this point, and as far as i understand i am in the right here. I'm seriously considering filing a complaint with the equal opportunity people.

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