
Hate My Current Job – Any Decent Part Time Jobs for Older College Student?

Hello! I know this is gonna be kind of long, I apologize. I’m a 29 year old who decided to go back to school to get my bachelor’s degree. Due to being older, I still have bills to pay and more responsibilities than when I went to community college at 18. I’m currently working as a medical receptionist at a small private practice that quite honestly, is going down hill fast. Doctors quit left and right….I keep getting more and more jobs. They know I’m going to school and I’m “part time” (hence me getting absolutely no benefits). I make $25 an hour which to be completely honest, is really good for me right now while I’m school. The issue is, it’s an extremely toxic workplace. I think they’re doing some shady things if I’m completely honest. The owner screams and curses at everyone yet he’s never anywhere in sight.…

Hello! I know this is gonna be kind of long, I apologize. I’m a 29 year old who decided to go back to school to get my bachelor’s degree. Due to being older, I still have bills to pay and more responsibilities than when I went to community college at 18.

I’m currently working as a medical receptionist at a small private practice that quite honestly, is going down hill fast. Doctors quit left and right….I keep getting more and more jobs. They know I’m going to school and I’m “part time” (hence me getting absolutely no benefits). I make $25 an hour which to be completely honest, is really good for me right now while I’m school.

The issue is, it’s an extremely toxic workplace. I think they’re doing some shady things if I’m completely honest. The owner screams and curses at everyone yet he’s never anywhere in sight. The patients are constantly screaming at us and cops are always needing to be called. People quit constantly or are fired, so we’re working with 2 people running the office (my coworker and I). I feel as though this isn’t fair to me or to my coworker, who is by herself sometimes when I go to school. I’m coming up to the end of school and it’s getting really hard to make a schedule that works for the small amount of staff we have. There’s limited classes and limited time slots and I know they’re going to freak when I tell them my fall schedule. Meanwhile, if they just hired one more person to cover me (I’ve brought this up), it would be perfect.

They just aren’t respectful of my schooling and don’t take it seriously. Constantly my coworkers make “jokes” when I leave to go to class by saying “oh come on, you didn’t drop out yet?!” Me going back to school and getting this degree is very important to me.

All this to say, are there any part time jobs that wouldn’t be put off by an older person needing a specific schedule for school? Possibly one that isn’t so mentally draining because I can’t deal with it anymore while I’m school. I know it’s crappy to start a job while graduating in a year, but I don’t think I can last that long in my current job.

Thank you so much in advance!

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