
Hate your job? Don’t “Quiet Quit”… Report OSHA violations!

Why follow through with your contract and do the job you were hired to do? You can cost the company thousands of dollars by reporting OSHA violations and make your workplace safer for you and your fellow wage slaves coworkers. If they try to fire you for reporting OSHA violations then tell OSHA that too and they will A) Regret it and B) End up paying out the ASS, some of which will go to you. There is practically no downside.

Why follow through with your contract and do the job you were hired to do? You can cost the company thousands of dollars by reporting OSHA violations and make your workplace safer for you and your fellow wage slaves coworkers.

If they try to fire you for reporting OSHA violations then tell OSHA that too and they will A) Regret it and B) End up paying out the ASS, some of which will go to you.

There is practically no downside.

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