
Hating customers is exactly what the wealthy want you to do

It's all about “divide and conquer”. By creating division between workers and the people they serve, it's a distraction from making any change at all. As long as you're spending your time being worked up about hating customers, you are wasting your mental energy, and probably doing a lot of damage to your mental and physical health. Health that we all need to fight for better working conditions. Customers are not the reason why we are in the place we are. Customers have absolutely zero power to change our pay and work conditions. Depending on where you work, the vast majority of our customers are in the same crappy boat as we are. Even the customers we might perceive as well off, could be living off their credit cards at this point. I know a lot of customers suck right now, but a lot of it probably has to do…

It's all about “divide and conquer”. By creating division between workers and the people they serve, it's a distraction from making any change at all. As long as you're spending your time being worked up about hating customers, you are wasting your mental energy, and probably doing a lot of damage to your mental and physical health. Health that we all need to fight for better working conditions.

Customers are not the reason why we are in the place we are. Customers have absolutely zero power to change our pay and work conditions. Depending on where you work, the vast majority of our customers are in the same crappy boat as we are. Even the customers we might perceive as well off, could be living off their credit cards at this point.

I know a lot of customers suck right now, but a lot of it probably has to do with their own struggles with inflation, interest rates, crappy pay, and all the same things that the workers that serve them are dealing with. There's a bad, dark vibe in this country right now for the majority of people, for good reason.

It's time to stop blaming customers for our fate, and look at the real reasons we are struggling. Otherwise we are just being manipulated into a state of pointless anger and apathy. Misdirecting anger towards customers and getting congratulated for it is just another form of “bread and circuses” encouraged by the wealthy. It might make you feel good temporarily, but in the end it's just lulling you into doing absolutely nothing.

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