
Have you ever stayed in a toxic job for experience? A poem

I am a fresh graduate and it's been around 6 months since I started this job. I have absolutely no job experience and the marketplace is so shitty plus the pay is so bad it doesn't even cover basic human needs, unlike this job I landed it pays more compared to the other places. Honestly this job/place was never my dream place to work at, never saw it as some place I would enjoy working at someday because I already knew about the bad reputation my current job has. It's beyond stressful to say the least and just extremely toxic… Anti Workaholic; you keep working and getting phone calls/messages even after your shift is over and on your weekend as well. One time a manager called me at 1 fucking am for a stupid fucking reason that could've waited until the next day. There are different shifts (morning, evening, night…

I am a fresh graduate and it's been around 6 months since I started this job. I have absolutely no job experience and the marketplace is so shitty plus the pay is so bad it doesn't even cover basic human needs, unlike this job I landed it pays more compared to the other places. Honestly this job/place was never my dream place to work at, never saw it as some place I would enjoy working at someday because I already knew about the bad reputation my current job has. It's beyond stressful to say the least and just extremely toxic…

Anti Workaholic; you keep working and getting phone calls/messages even after your shift is over and on your weekend as well. One time a manager called me at 1 fucking am for a stupid fucking reason that could've waited until the next day. There are different shifts (morning, evening, night etc) you never have a full week with the same shift timing, each day you start your shift at a different time like you have no fucking thing to do but them.

“And the fog comes up from the sewers” -Radiohead; the fog = unclear boundaries. A coworker with the same position as you would start bossing you around and giving you orders, even to the point of micromanaging you. The management praises them for such behavior. I confronted a coworker (same position) who kept bossing me around, even threatening to tell the manager that I don't follow her orders. Anyways I dragged her ass so that problem was dealt with. My manager took that coworker side and scolded me for not following her orders (reminder: that coworker ISNT my boss or manager or supervisor)

Track and field; let me elaborate, the company has many branches yet they choose to always place employees as far away as possible from their house… there are MANY branches available around your house/close to the area yet they choose to make you commute over an hour to a far away branch. This is something that 95% of the employees struggle with, yet the management doesn't give 2 flying fucks about us.

Mirror mirror on the wall who's the worthiest of them all; “prove your worth” this is a phrase you will hear since day 1 of joining. Whenever you ask for anything aka basic human rights or you can call it the bare fucking minimum, they tell you that you need to prove you're “worthy” to get that thing. You want to go to a closer branch to your house? PROVE YOUR WORTH! You want to go on annual leave? PROVE YOUR WORTH! You want to breathe? PROVE YOUR WORTH! You want to see? PROVE YOUR WORTH! Everyone chants the same phrase you start questioning if you accidentally joined a cult instead.

You get the point. They always make you feel like you are lacking and whatever it is you do is NEVER EVER enough in their eyes… They grant other employees things they ask for and say it's because they have “proved their worth” when in reality what they are doing is plain manipulation. They make you believe that they didn't grant your request because you lack in some way or the other but the truth is they just use it to grant their favorites whatever they want 🙂 sneaky way I know! jokes on them they think people are too stupid to understand mind fucking games ha ha!

Slavery; they expect you work overtime for them but here's the catch.. they refuse to pay overtime! coworkers act like stupidity is a badge of honor “One day I worked 12 hours” “I came to work on my weekend!” I am telling you that the more I spend time with my coworkers the more they sound like cult members. Oh and you get resented if you leave when your shift ends! They expect you to drop everything you have if they're understaffed (which they are all the time and will be for the next 20 years) and come to work but hey who cares about the 13th Amendment

Violence is never the answer, it's the SOLUTION; wait until you meet the managers with their fragile egos! Managers in our company are very competitive! They compete with each other to see how many can yell and humiliate employees, the more the better! Degradation? YES! Destroying employees confidence and motivation? YES! YES! Making sure employees know that they're worthless trash and that they should be grateful to even be hired at the company? HELL TO THE FUCKING YES! My manager has such a fragile ego that if you don't agree with his often stupid illogical opinions, he will keep forcing it down your throat the more you say no he then proceeds to write your name in his deathnote oh no!

Don't worry dear manager, no employee has the desire to live in this hell, you are doing us a favor xx


Think I'm getting butterflies, but it's really

Something telling me to run away

-A song dedicated to my toxic job

The end.

I hope this was as enjoyable to whoever reads it as it was writing it 🙂

TDLR; Should I stay at my toxic job and gain experience for future better jobs? Or should I quit this job cause it's costing me both my mental and physical health and throw experience out of the window?

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