
Haven’t been paid my stipend from last school year; advice/help writing an email?

And am in desperate need of it, as I have no idea how I’ll make rent this month. It’s due in exactly a week. So, I worked on a stipend as a classified worker for a school district in California last school year, last month of it was June of 2022. Should’ve been paid August at the latest. Have contacted HR, am told to send a ticket, after doing so + making many phone calls in which the director of HR sounded SO annoyed and eager to hang up (all she said was, “Yes we’re looking into it, bye.”), then finally being told it would for sure be in my November pay check, it wasn’t. Called again, all I was told was “did you send a ticket?” and my phone calls have been ignored and I have not heard back since (two weeks ago). Incredibly fucking annoyed and don’t know…

And am in desperate need of it, as I have no idea how I’ll make rent this month. It’s due in exactly a week.

So, I worked on a stipend as a classified worker for a school district in California last school year, last month of it was June of 2022. Should’ve been paid August at the latest. Have contacted HR, am told to send a ticket, after doing so + making many phone calls in which the director of HR sounded SO annoyed and eager to hang up (all she said was, “Yes we’re looking into it, bye.”), then finally being told it would for sure be in my November pay check, it wasn’t. Called again, all I was told was “did you send a ticket?” and my phone calls have been ignored and I have not heard back since (two weeks ago). Incredibly fucking annoyed and don’t know what to do. I need to make rent.

I need to write the director of HR but don’t know what to say. Any help wording it is greatly appreciated.

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