
Having a weak immune system and working full time is absolute hell.

As most of us know the US has the shittiest healthcare system ever. Minimum wage should be at $30 an hour and since we are no where close to that many of us are living paycheck to paycheck. So how the hell are we gonna pay for healthcare? We don’t. I haven’t had healthcare in years and it’s just the norm for me now. I went to the hospital for the first time a few months back and I almost had pneumonia. I’m happy that I went but I also left with a $700 med bill. I still haven’t had a chance to pay it. I don’t have a doctor so I have no one to diagnose me. But I’m beginning to believe that I have a weak immune system due to the fact that I’m getting sick a lot. I’ll go to work if it’s not too bad but…

As most of us know the US has the shittiest healthcare system ever. Minimum wage should be at $30 an hour and since we are no where close to that many of us are living paycheck to paycheck. So how the hell are we gonna pay for healthcare? We don’t. I haven’t had healthcare in years and it’s just the norm for me now. I went to the hospital for the first time a few months back and I almost had pneumonia. I’m happy that I went but I also left with a $700 med bill. I still haven’t had a chance to pay it. I don’t have a doctor so I have no one to diagnose me. But I’m beginning to believe that I have a weak immune system due to the fact that I’m getting sick a lot. I’ll go to work if it’s not too bad but there are times that I have to stay home. Now I work pm shifts but this week I’m scheduled to work am shifts because someone is on vacation. I hate am shift because I’m not a morning person but I’ll do it to help out but now that I’m sick again and it’s pretty bad I wasn’t able to go in this morning. I have an amazing manager and because of this illness she had to do a double. Of course I feel bad she don’t get paid enough for this shit. She didn’t even get a pay raise when she became manager. My breathing is really rough and I don’t think I’ll be able to go in tomorrow morning as well. Idk why but I have a feeling they think I’m faking it just to get out of the am shifts. I would go in if it weren’t as bad but I can’t. Only reason I go in when I’m sick is because I can’t afford to miss a day. Why doesn’t this shit country normalize paid sick days. None of us can afford to be sick and it sucks. Miss one day and there goes the money for the electric bill. So me missing these few days is really gonna screw me over. I might just have to use PTO days to make up.

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