
Having difficulty find/keeping a job due to debilitating anxiety

I don’t know if this is the right subreddit but I felt the need to get this out there. I have crippling anxiety. Anxiety to the point where even basic tasks cause me to break down and panic. It’s ruined my life and every opportunity I’ve ever been given. I can’t even drive because I’m afraid I’m going to get into a car crash. School, of course, has always pushed me over the edge and college is even worse in that regard. So when I tried finding a job last summer it was horribly stressful and when I did get a job I was laid off within a day because of how stressed out I was just being there. I don’t want to just freeload and live off other people for the rest of my life but considering how life-threatening my anxiety is, it’s the only way I can live…

I don’t know if this is the right subreddit but I felt the need to get this out there. I have crippling anxiety. Anxiety to the point where even basic tasks cause me to break down and panic. It’s ruined my life and every opportunity I’ve ever been given. I can’t even drive because I’m afraid I’m going to get into a car crash. School, of course, has always pushed me over the edge and college is even worse in that regard. So when I tried finding a job last summer it was horribly stressful and when I did get a job I was laid off within a day because of how stressed out I was just being there. I don’t want to just freeload and live off other people for the rest of my life but considering how life-threatening my anxiety is, it’s the only way I can live without breaking down and panicking every day. For now at least. I don’t know if anyone else here experiences anything similar or if it’s just me. I’m nervous even thinking about the responses I may get.

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