
Heavier work load without more pay is on the horizon..

This is just more of a rant. I work at a small, family owned company. This is the only job I've ever had in my life that I actually halfway enjoy. I love my bosses and most of my coworkers. I get paid an actual fair wage, and they're super accommodating with time off. I would still quit in an instant if I could because, ya know, it's work, but it's not horrific. I got hired to work in one department and ended up running two departments due to lack of staff. They saw me somewhat drowning and hired someone for the second department. The problem is, they're horrible. The only reason they haven't been fired yet is because of good old-fashioned nepotism (they aren't related to the owners, but to someone else high up in the company). They were brought in with zero experience to a position that needed…

This is just more of a rant. I work at a small, family owned company. This is the only job I've ever had in my life that I actually halfway enjoy. I love my bosses and most of my coworkers. I get paid an actual fair wage, and they're super accommodating with time off. I would still quit in an instant if I could because, ya know, it's work, but it's not horrific.

I got hired to work in one department and ended up running two departments due to lack of staff. They saw me somewhat drowning and hired someone for the second department. The problem is, they're horrible. The only reason they haven't been fired yet is because of good old-fashioned nepotism (they aren't related to the owners, but to someone else high up in the company). They were brought in with zero experience to a position that needed someone with several years experience. Their family member swore to train them 100%.

That family member comes in three to four days a week to train. It's coming up on three months and the new employee still can't get the job down. They cost us thousands between ordering supplies that aren't needed and not checking for invoices, which result in lines of credit collapsing from past due balances. They also can't bother to respond to emails, let people know they've scheduled appointments with potential clients (which has cost business), won't even answer the phones, etc. On top of that, the family member costs us $100 an hour when they're in the office. They went from 10 hours a week with their own job to 40 with this neverending training. The owner has had shouting matches with both of them, ready to fire the employee. Why he's still hanging on to the hope this will work out, I have no idea.

Eventually, this person will be fired, or will end up quitting (though honestly, if I could still collect a check while doing so little, maybe I wouldn't quit either). Once they're gone, it's all going to fall back on me.. and during our busy season. I'm tempted to approach the owner now with concerns and ask for a pay raise to take on double duties, but I don't want to volunteer for extra work. I'm afraid that if I wait, it'll just be put on me with no additional compensation.

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