
Held back after work

I’ve come here to vent a little and to see if any of the responses may help me in regards to what I can say/do. I don’t have a bad job by any means and after reading many of the stories on here I’d say I am quite grateful, however …. I am currently doing an apprenticeship for a company ( after 2 years of working you are fully educated and get a higher salary etc ) . I was told in the interview there was no Night Shifts / weekend shifts , however after starting I came to find out there was both and during the Night Shifts which you don’t get paid extra for your expected to keep your mobile on during the night incase a client needs your help whilst you’re asleep. This surprised me however I got on with it . I tend to stay an…

I’ve come here to vent a little and to see if any of the responses may help me in regards to what I can say/do.

I don’t have a bad job by any means and after reading many of the stories on here I’d say I am quite grateful, however ….

I am currently doing an apprenticeship for a company ( after 2 years of working you are fully educated and get a higher salary etc ) . I was told in the interview there was no Night Shifts / weekend shifts , however after starting I came to find out there was both and during the Night Shifts which you don’t get paid extra for your expected to keep your mobile on during the night incase a client needs your help whilst you’re asleep.

This surprised me however I got on with it . I tend to stay an hour to an hour and a half after work on Fridays to make sure the weekend shift isn’t too arduous . However I take public transport home and I rely on the one bus that goes every hour .

Now whenever my boss sees me get my jacket on to go and get the bus he will throw a bunch of papers on my desk and say I have to do them before I leave and it’s not fair if he has to do them alone , even though I ask 2 hours in advance if there is anything He needs help with to try and avoid missing the bus .

Today it really pissed me off when he did the same which resulted in messing 2 busses and coming home very late from work . I don’t mind helping out but the cheek of it to wait till one is running to get the bus to throw extra work on my table is what gets to me furthermore making comments such as “ when I was an apprentice we would stay 4-5 hours late after work “ , bear in mind this is 12 years ago…

This is really annoying me to the point I am looking to change department as I have over a year left of this apprenticeship.

For info he also arrived 30 minutes late to work everyday , spends the first 15 minutes eating breakfast and is out of his seat for a combined hour a day, if he was overworked it’s one thing but to wonder around for over an hour a day is another thing . All the other departments leave at 1600 on the dot except for me and if I do I get sneaky remarks like “lazy apprentice” and so on.

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