
Help a friend maintain her physical independence

Gofundme health care is a reality of our dystopian hellscape. Please consider helping a hardworking citizen who is reliant on a wheelchair and other assistance devices to maintain her physical independence. Because she is employed with private insurance, of course the insurance will not cover her cost of necessary assistance equipment because the system is antiquated and prejudiced against those with disabilities. Amanda is a dear friend of mine – an excellent writer, a wonderful soul, and a truly decent and good person. The fact that she and others who have overcome so much to be successful are consistently denied access makes my blood boil. Please share, even if you cannot help. (Mods – delete if not allowed and preemptive apologies if so, I didn’t see anything about it being prohibited but could have overlooked something.)

Gofundme health care is a reality of our dystopian hellscape.

Please consider helping a hardworking citizen who is reliant on a wheelchair and other assistance devices to maintain her physical independence.

Because she is employed with private insurance, of course the insurance will not cover her cost of necessary assistance equipment because the system is antiquated and prejudiced against those with disabilities.

Amanda is a dear friend of mine – an excellent writer, a wonderful soul, and a truly decent and good person. The fact that she and others who have overcome so much to be successful are consistently denied access makes my blood boil.

Please share, even if you cannot help.

(Mods – delete if not allowed and preemptive apologies if so, I didn’t see anything about it being prohibited but could have overlooked something.)

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