
Help! Employer “Forgot” to Pay for Health Insurance

Let me start by saying this isn't happening to me, but a partner of mine needs some advice. So my partner, we'll call her S, works for an organization. Recently, the manager has been mismanaging things to an extreme level. To the point where I think the board may have hired her to sabatoge the place, but thats beside the point. In the most recent fiasco, managment has “forgotten” to pay the health insurance, so the entire company is without coverage “until the issue is resolved”. We're in Washington state, and I'm fairly certain giving full time employees access to health care is in state law. Is there anything S can take to L&I to get this sorted out? S has not had coverage since February 1st.

Let me start by saying this isn't happening to me, but a partner of mine needs some advice.

So my partner, we'll call her S, works for an organization. Recently, the manager has been mismanaging things to an extreme level. To the point where I think the board may have hired her to sabatoge the place, but thats beside the point. In the most recent fiasco, managment has “forgotten” to pay the health insurance, so the entire company is without coverage “until the issue is resolved”. We're in Washington state, and I'm fairly certain giving full time employees access to health care is in state law. Is there anything S can take to L&I to get this sorted out? S has not had coverage since February 1st.

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