
Help me know if I am overthinking at work

So I have been at work for about 2 years part time as I am a full-time grad student. My old coworker left about a year ago & taught most of his jobs to me when he left. We eventually hired a new worker a month later & I spent months teaching him how to do the job. Now that I am graduating, I requested my manager to hire me full time but she is hesitant about it. Even my coworker is like “We don’t have the budget and bla bla bla.” He was also super mean to at work one day for no reason & apologized to me later. I told my manager I need offer letter for visa renewal process & she was like “I will sign whatever you need.” How am I supposed to make a contract? I need a contract from you duhhh. Also, I fixed…

So I have been at work for about 2 years part time as I am a full-time grad student. My old coworker left about a year ago & taught most of his jobs to me when he left. We eventually hired a new worker a month later & I spent months teaching him how to do the job. Now that I am graduating, I requested my manager to hire me full time but she is hesitant about it. Even my coworker is like “We don’t have the budget and bla bla bla.” He was also super mean to at work one day for no reason & apologized to me later. I told my manager I need offer letter for visa renewal process & she was like “I will sign whatever you need.” How am I supposed to make a contract? I need a contract from you duhhh. Also, I fixed a major issue at work last week and all she could say was “Some company would be lucky to have you.” After months of training this new guy, they want to keep him & not me. Makes me feel sick going to work. I am applying to new jobs too but the job market is crazy right now and not many companies are hiring. Am I overthinking all this?

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