
Help me to organise a strike or smth yall

(Rant about my workplace) I am so fucking fed up with my workplace and literally everybody is as well (I work at a popular fast food joint in a very busy area). I’ve talked with my supervisors and even they think that we should strike. The higher ups treat us like complete trash and middle management and the supervisors get the worst of it. My supervisors have to ask a whole month in advance to take annual leave and then they aren’t even allowed to take more than a couple days off or their annual leave would get denied. Higher ups refuse to promote me even though I’ve worked longer than literally everyone there and am more qualified than half my superiors, so I insisted that I’m only going to do what I get paid to do. However, when I do that everything literally goes to shit so quick, the…

(Rant about my workplace) I am so fucking fed up with my workplace and literally everybody is as well (I work at a popular fast food joint in a very busy area). I’ve talked with my supervisors and even they think that we should strike. The higher ups treat us like complete trash and middle management and the supervisors get the worst of it. My supervisors have to ask a whole month in advance to take annual leave and then they aren’t even allowed to take more than a couple days off or their annual leave would get denied. Higher ups refuse to promote me even though I’ve worked longer than literally everyone there and am more qualified than half my superiors, so I insisted that I’m only going to do what I get paid to do. However, when I do that everything literally goes to shit so quick, the store manager doesn’t know what the fuck they’re doing and neither do any of the staff (all the staff already got fed up and quit so we had to get new staff). My supervisors literally said that they’d be screwed if I didn’t show up for my shifts, but it’s really not my fucking job to manage everything??? There’s literally a store manager what the fuck?????? Not that they know what the fuck they’re doing either.
(Details about what I want to do) anyways, I wanna organise a strike over a weekend so they lose a shit ton of money and we can all finally have a fucking weekend off. I live in Queensland Australia so I wanted to know if there were any laws that protected me and my coworkers if we decided to strike. If there aren’t, me and some of my supervisors were all planning on quitting on the same day so we can still screw them over somehow. Im not sure how I’d go about doing this so I wanted to ask the people here about it since y’all look like you have experience. Lmk if I should go ahead and organise a strike or if I should just quit now and cut my losses.

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