
Hey, folks being led by the nose, maybe. Be careful who you talk to, or follow, on here.

Comic Book Guy exposed this and other subreddits to the other side after he did that interview with that moron. I don't know his name, but it's the guy with the smirk. It's a fox guy. I'm seeing a lot of dangerous advice on here for people who doesn't deserve that. Kind of the cutting off the nose despite the face sort of advice. That's okay to vent. And you should want to sub like this. But don't make decisions based on some of these people. You can be anti-work all you want, and I agree with it, but that needs systemic changes. If you follow some of this advice, you can be anti-work yourself straight into living in a tent. That doesn't help anyone, especially you. Especially your family, if you have one.

Comic Book Guy exposed this and other subreddits to the other side after he did that interview with that moron. I don't know his name, but it's the guy with the smirk. It's a fox guy.

I'm seeing a lot of dangerous advice on here for people who doesn't deserve that. Kind of the cutting off the nose despite the face sort of advice.

That's okay to vent. And you should want to sub like this.

But don't make decisions based on some of these people. You can be anti-work all you want, and I agree with it, but that needs systemic changes. If you follow some of this advice, you can be anti-work yourself straight into living in a tent.

That doesn't help anyone, especially you. Especially your family, if you have one.

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