
Hey guys im fresh out of school in my second job ever and first job for a big company. Im having issues with my manager and taking days off, need some advice…

So i recently started working for a pub which is owned by a massive company called mitchell and butlers. I work 3 shifts a week and when i got the job i made it clear to both my managers i would not be willing to work both friday and saturdays in one week. This is because i would miss out completely on a social life like clockwork. Anyway for the past couple of weeks i have repeatedly been put on friday and saturdays even though ive said i wasnt willing to do it. The manager has basically said tough luck, if i dont mark it out then its up to me to find a swap. This already isn’t really fair given our verbal agreement to not do this but it is especially unfair as she never told me how to mark it off. i assumed it was through the unavailability…

So i recently started working for a pub which is owned by a massive company called mitchell and butlers. I work 3 shifts a week and when i got the job i made it clear to both my managers i would not be willing to work both friday and saturdays in one week. This is because i would miss out completely on a social life like clockwork. Anyway for the past couple of weeks i have repeatedly been put on friday and saturdays even though ive said i wasnt willing to do it. The manager has basically said tough luck, if i dont mark it out then its up to me to find a swap. This already isn’t really fair given our verbal agreement to not do this but it is especially unfair as she never told me how to mark it off. i assumed it was through the unavailability function on the app and put a bunch of dates in but retrospectively she told me you have to tell one of the managers through text or in person to get dates approved.
Compared to my last job this feels incredibly unfair on employees and gives way to a lot of guilt tripping. Ive heard multiple times now the manager saying its our busy period so think twice before marking days off especially both christmas and new years eve. This is crazy to me. its not my problem they are understaffed and i shouldn’t feel pressured to ‘get into their good books’ by saying ill work days i really dont want to. I only work 3 shifts a week!! Anyway, i was never taught how to handle situations like this in school. frankly i need the job to save and i dont really intend on quitting. I would just like to know what i should say to her when tryna book days off in the coming weeks and ensure im not always on fridays and saturdays. cheers

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