
hey, I know we fired you early for giving notice, but can you do your replacement’s job?

I've seen these stories posted before and part of me just couldn't believe that they would be true. My GM gave corporate a month's notice to quit and transfer across the state… She intended to stay and train the new GM and help the transition go smoothly. They forced her out, without notice, 3 weeks early. The District manager literally just called a meeting and fired her in front of everyone (“at will” state). The new GM came in and talked so much trash about all the problems she was going to “fix” and how easy it would be, basically calling everyone lazy. Enforcing rules that we weren't following for good reasons, like never having enough staff. She ranted about corporate standards, and how we had to be open no matter what, for 2 days, until she was the one working short, and promptly closed early. Now it's time for…

I've seen these stories posted before and part of me just couldn't believe that they would be true.

My GM gave corporate a month's notice to quit and transfer across the state… She intended to stay and train the new GM and help the transition go smoothly. They forced her out, without notice, 3 weeks early. The District manager literally just called a meeting and fired her in front of everyone (“at will” state).

The new GM came in and talked so much trash about all the problems she was going to “fix” and how easy it would be, basically calling everyone lazy. Enforcing rules that we weren't following for good reasons, like never having enough staff. She ranted about corporate standards, and how we had to be open no matter what, for 2 days, until she was the one working short, and promptly closed early.

Now it's time for our annual reviews and the new GM along with the corporate DM ask my former boss to come back and do them since “it wasn't fair the new boss doesn't know us yet.”

I laughed so hard when I saw the closed sign on our doors in the morning, and when my former boss messaged me that they asked her to come back and do our reviews…

It has been less than 2 weeks and the new GM is already almost completely given up, nearly the entire staff is leaving, including me, and I would feel bad if she hadn't come in blazing like a douche canoe. She disrespected almost every single one of us immediately and personally, but suddenly doesn't know us well enough to do our reviews now?

And yes, my old boss told everyone to suck her dick, like I suggested. She's transferring to a new branch entirely to be with her parents who own the one she's going to. So they can't do anything about it.

Shortsighted decisions from micromanaging overlords who have no actual, practical knowledge of how we actually do things, is one of the biggest reasons the industry is dying.

I don't care in the slightest anymore and now being at work feels like the last week of school… Dress code? Leaving early? Hitting my weed pen? Working weekends?

What are you gonna do, fire me?
They're probably going to offer me a raise to stay, and nope.

I straight-up told the new boss the only reason she has the job is because none of us wanted it, which is 100% true.
And I'm enjoying parroting the ignorant comments she made on her first few days back to her, like “why don't you just hire more people?” And “maybe you should work on your multitasking skills” to which I initially replied”I'm not doing 4 things at once, I'm already doing 3 things, I could, but I am not going to because I don't get paid enough to do 2 people's jobs.”

Not once has she come in and asked “what do you guys need?” Or “how can I help?” Not even when we are busy, she just sits in her office all day and watches us bust our asses, sweating, and actually turned up the heat because she was cold.

My old boss was fantastic, and the reason I stayed at my job as long as I did, we are good friends now which is how I know all this.

I'm just staying to use some vacation days over the holidays and I'm out.

We have all tried telling corporate what we actually need to be successful and they could care less. They keep demanding more work, more hours, with less staff, and no exceptions.

“Nobody wants to work anymore”
You right.

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