
hey YOU have to transfer but look at all the benefits

We give PTO unlike your previous client, we give sick leave unlike your previous client, we are simpler… Unlike your previous client….we are… A bunch of damn liars. I worked for the same main company (can't say name since ugh I still work there and I want to leave so badly) and this company is global, they contract through every thing you can think of, a big main of health care. I was at my end of trading so happy to get my 3 dollar raise and then a 3 dollar bonus… Then was forced to switch alright now we are bad pay with just the 3 bonus but since we didn't finish officially training, we didn't get the bonus(was literally 3 days away when they MADE us switch). The bonus is now gone they said. But hey now we get our PTO and sick leave…. Look at our time…

We give PTO unlike your previous client, we give sick leave unlike your previous client, we are simpler… Unlike your previous client….we are… A bunch of damn liars. I worked for the same main company (can't say name since ugh I still work there and I want to leave so badly) and this company is global, they contract through every thing you can think of, a big main of health care.

I was at my end of trading so happy to get my 3 dollar raise and then a 3 dollar bonus… Then was forced to switch alright now we are bad pay with just the 3 bonus but since we didn't finish officially training, we didn't get the bonus(was literally 3 days away when they MADE us switch).

The bonus is now gone they said. But hey now we get our PTO and sick leave…. Look at our time sheets not shit there nothing. I raise a complaint and wow 3 hours of sick leave no pto. Ok well my daughter has to go to the ER… I go for my 3 hours nope can't do they now say 6 months before I can use it…

Then now why aren't we getting pto like we were told… Nope your main compy says we can't tell there 6 months… But that was what y'all said we will get for switching.. nope…

Now everyone else that didn't get FORCeD to switch has pto not the rest of us. They didn't respond. This company sucks maybe total of 60 for the entire subclient I am now in, can't transfer I found out, because they can deny and will deny till 6 months and if they say no even after I can't transfer even though they made me.

So now I'm sitting here with sick time, I can't use PTO that I was promised that ain't happening till June or July and can't transfer even tho now I'm having multiple actual departments for the main company want to higher me for higher pay…

This is bullshit… Why the fuck did I start working again?

I should just go back to door dashing.

I hate liars. This company fucking sucks. HR didn't even want to take my complaint unless I had proof. Damn straight I showed them… They didn't do shit.

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