
Hi am I being harassed at work by a 3rd key?

Hi so probably a dumb question but I saw a post in another Reddit that made me question this. I work in a small retail store with two managers. Two part timers (I’m one of them) and one 3rd key. Me and the other part timer have both agreed before that our 3rd key has some power trip problems. I am the only female in my store besides the main manager (this comes into play). I will be doing my tasks (usually assigned by manager) and if they leave he will sit on his phone, or straight up snap at me and tell me to get things done, or better yet (this one is good) tell me stop stop literally everything I’m doing to go greet customers in the color section even if it’s apparent they don’t need help. For example last week I was on a phone call with…

Hi so probably a dumb question but I saw a post in another Reddit that made me question this. I work in a small retail store with two managers. Two part timers (I’m one of them) and one 3rd key. Me and the other part timer have both agreed before that our 3rd key has some power trip problems. I am the only female in my store besides the main manager (this comes into play).

I will be doing my tasks (usually assigned by manager) and if they leave he will sit on his phone, or straight up snap at me and tell me to get things done, or better yet (this one is good) tell me stop stop literally everything I’m doing to go greet customers in the color section even if it’s apparent they don’t need help. For example last week I was on a phone call with a customer. They weren’t from our store but they needed help and I was on the phone call for about 15 minutes. We were slow, so I have no idea why he did this, but he yells from the front counter “hey get out here and go greet those customers” I responded with “no, I’m on a phone call with a customer that needs help, I’ll get to them when I’m done” he responded “customers are more important in store than on the phone” thing is that was the only customer in the store. He easily could have gone over there and greeted them but chose not to. I continued the phone call and it ended 5 minutes after, I greeted the customers and they said “thank you but we’re just looking”.

This wasn’t the only time something like this has happened. He’s a very “we’re a family” type of guy, but when management isn’t around he talks down to me. One time I was doing inventory and I was doing a task the manager put me on. THE MANAGER PUT ME ON. in the office. Same thing happened, customer came in, they didn’t need help but I was doing the task THE ACTUAL MANAGER put me on. Manager is in the warehouse so he doesn’t witness it. But I say “hold up I’m doing something” he says “don’t tell me hold up come help the damn customers.” a few minutes later he ran to the manager to complain I “disrespected him” by telling him hold up, and not following direction. He does this a lot, he loves to run to the managers every time I do something that “upsets” him even if it’s just me checking my phone for a second when he SITS on his phone at the front counter. then he’ll turn around and act friendly with me in front of everyone and it feels disgusting. I’ve tried avoiding him at work, and got talked to about it by the managers because I was “causing a hostile work environment” because I wouldn’t talk to him besides responding to questions. The managers have even taken his side before when I brought it up because I’m new to the store and he’s been there for years and he feels “disrespected by me”

Another inappropriate thing is he often and I mean often makes rape jokes and comments (not in front of manager of course) and has a tendency to sexualize what I do outside of work “bet you have an only fans” type of stuff. I’ve caught him looking me up and down before and he’s pointed out things on my chest area multiple times and just ??? It’s gross.

last but not least, there was one instance that made me extremely uncomfortable and have a panic attack. It was close to closing and I was in the office. “(Name), come here” I responded “what?” And he verbatim said “I’m your fucking boss, get in here.” It made me uncomfortable and idk what to do. This post started as a do 3rd keys have authority, but I just realized I feel very uncomfortable in my work environment. What do I do?

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