
High turnover? Just hire more recruiters

This dumb fucking company invests so much into having a large recruiting team. This dumb fucking company also has a very high turnover rate. Wanna guess why? The starting pay for Service Desk Analysts is less than the average fast food hourly rate. All other tech roles like onsite support and developers are paid well below market value. This company uses what seems to be standard practice in by almost every company of rewarding loyalty by hiring new people at a higher rate than current employees. So this group of geniuses just decides to have an enormous recruiting team instead of trying to retain talent by paying higher than poverty wages. Oh yeah the high turnover also applies to the recruiting team. I had at least 4 different recruiter/reps during my two years at this dumb fucking company. With the exception of the first one , each recruiter was just…

This dumb fucking company invests so much into having a large recruiting team. This dumb fucking company also has a very high turnover rate.
Wanna guess why?

The starting pay for Service Desk Analysts is less than the average fast food hourly rate.

All other tech roles like onsite support and developers are paid well below market value.

This company uses what seems to be standard practice in by almost every company of rewarding loyalty by hiring new people at a higher rate than current employees.

So this group of geniuses just decides to have an enormous recruiting team instead of trying to retain talent by paying higher than poverty wages.

Oh yeah the high turnover also applies to the recruiting team.
I had at least 4 different recruiter/reps during my two years at this dumb fucking company. With the exception of the first one , each recruiter was just as useless and incompetent as the one before.

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