
hired to fill a quota

some thoughts when we are hired to fill a quota, our experiences are not taken seriously. they are all about inclusion but when you need an accommodation they make you feel less than human. mental illness is another quota. they hire you to fill it, treat you less than and make you quit. they make you feel as if your mental illness won. companies will preach safe work environment and inclusions then don't. why do you think we quiet quit and shoot up store? why some steal, some take drugs. i know companies has to fill a quota. i am in this quota and i am experiencing this right now. i spoke up but i know many can not. go to HR? that's just self sabotage. anyone else feel this? does the press know?

some thoughts

when we are hired to fill a quota, our experiences are not taken seriously.

they are all about inclusion but when you need an accommodation they make you feel less than human.

mental illness is another quota. they hire you to fill it, treat you less than and make you quit. they make you feel as if your mental illness won.

companies will preach safe work environment and inclusions then don't. why do you think we quiet quit and shoot up store? why some steal, some take drugs.

i know companies has to fill a quota.

i am in this quota and i am experiencing this right now. i spoke up but i know many can not.

go to HR? that's just self sabotage.

anyone else feel this? does the press know?

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