
Hired to hostilely phase out someone without my knowledge, now I’ve “failed” doing that, starting to be the scapegoat and I need advice to get out in one piece

So I started 5 months ago as a manager in a tiny Biotech startup (less than 30 people), first time out of academia. At first I thought things were going ok-ish, although it was strange for me that I was never introduced to the “team” I was supposed to lead, just told I was expected to get very close with the main person. The person seemed completely not in the knowing that I was going to be in charge and it was awkward. I accounted it to be because I just started and they wanted me to onboard in peace before making it official. One meeting after 2 months, my manager tells me they want to phase out the woman and put me in charge, she was everything bad in the book, faking data and unable to do simplest things yada yada. I was not sure this was true but…

So I started 5 months ago as a manager in a tiny Biotech startup (less than 30 people), first time out of academia. At first I thought things were going ok-ish, although it was strange for me that I was never introduced to the “team” I was supposed to lead, just told I was expected to get very close with the main person. The person seemed completely not in the knowing that I was going to be in charge and it was awkward. I accounted it to be because I just started and they wanted me to onboard in peace before making it official. One meeting after 2 months, my manager tells me they want to phase out the woman and put me in charge, she was everything bad in the book, faking data and unable to do simplest things yada yada. I was not sure this was true but in the same week she starts to act very deceptive and hiding towards me when talking about results, not able to answer anything in a direct way.

I thought this was a “proof” that she was dishonest and I start complaining about her uncooperativeness and management asks me to find things that proof her incompetence, seemingly super excited. I find loads of bad data and BS, things that they have shown to investors as a quality data. There is no way they didn't have a clue now when I think about it but I didn't realize that at the moment because I thought very highly of my manager. Then my direct manager quits with a week notice and I start to answer to the CEO/founder. I quickly realize that this is a toxic, manipulative, narcissist, micromanager who constantly checks up on me and tries to control everything I do, even who I visit from work. I also start to realize that the way the company is run, there is absolutely no way not to have sloppy results and bad organization skills. Now they blamed all the mess they made on her. I loose interest in becoming the new scapegoat for the company and I decide to just hang in there for few more months to collect money and GTF (i need it). New manager comes in, unaware of everything it seems, I answer to him and the CEO.

But now the tables have turned, the CEO has a suspicion that I am not in it, my colleagues have become suspicious of me because I am constantly showing some mistakes from the person in meetings (at the request of the CEO) and I have had now two hostile meetings with my new manager and CEO about my lack of collaboration with the others (oh I wonder why..).

Not sure if this is the right place to post, any suggestions would be great

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