I quit my toxic job working for an abusive narcissist last year in June. Next Friday will be the 1 year anniversary of my quitting. That job was hellaciously stressful and I had a multitude of symptoms from it, like my hair falling out, insomnia, constant anger, depression, etc. I lived on melatonin for sleep and energy drinks to stay awake during the day.
As I said it’s been a year since I quit. I have a new job in insurance that I really enjoy. The only stress in my life now is trying to make this tiny paycheck stretch. But I was cleaning my room yesterday and realized the bottle of melatonin on my nightstand had expired. And it was still half full. I haven’t had to use them in so long half of the gummies expired! What a victory. Plus my hair has grown back, you can’t see my scalp anymore. I definitely made the right decision in leaving that hellhole.