
Hit em where it hurts.

So my workplace has a quota to meet each month, and they only hit their quotas based off my work. (over 120% productivity for 3 years) we have lost technicians continuously and I've picked up the slack everytime. I asked to be included in the bonus that the manager and salesmen get if quota is hit, or a raise both were “not in the budget” I work for a LARGE well known company they have it. So I figure if the quota is only being made off my sweat and I don't get the bonuses why push? So I'm sandbagging 3 cars until Friday the 1st intentionally so they can't hot the mark. Thoughts?

So my workplace has a quota to meet each month, and they only hit their quotas based off my work. (over 120% productivity for 3 years) we have lost technicians continuously and I've picked up the slack everytime. I asked to be included in the bonus that the manager and salesmen get if quota is hit, or a raise both were “not in the budget” I work for a LARGE well known company they have it. So I figure if the quota is only being made off my sweat and I don't get the bonuses why push? So I'm sandbagging 3 cars until Friday the 1st intentionally so they can't hot the mark. Thoughts?

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