
Holding management accountable after interview

It was nice chatting about the open position. I wanted to expand on a few things. As per our conversation, in regards to my short stay in jobs, unfortunately in the hospitality industry these jobs outside of managemnt do not provide a sustainable source of living, and the only way to keep with the rising cost of living in the US is moving to a better paying employer and often. Unfortunately jobs no longer offer pensions, merely offering the minimum to non salaried workers, but pushed via the media and people such as yourself as a progressive and life changing concept and brand, but unfortunately are no where near such. Reality yet apparent is a very hard grasp for those in management and owner ship. Though it is difficult for some in leadership to truly understand these realities when their salary depends on them not understanding. My moving around has…

It was nice chatting about the open position. I wanted to expand on a few things. As per our conversation, in regards to my short stay in jobs, unfortunately in the hospitality industry these jobs outside of managemnt do not provide a sustainable source of living, and the only way to keep with the rising cost of living in the US is moving to a better paying employer and often. Unfortunately jobs no longer offer pensions, merely offering the minimum to non salaried workers, but pushed via the media and people such as yourself as a progressive and life changing concept and brand, but unfortunately are no where near such. Reality yet apparent is a very hard grasp for those in management and owner ship. Though it is difficult for some in leadership to truly understand these realities when their salary depends on them not understanding. My moving around has allowed me countless exposure to different work styles brands and process, it has got me a title change and salary increases along the way. I am more readily able to identify discrepancies and be able to identify how to better operate a hotel more efficiently which equates into less guest issue, greater guest satisfaction, structure and organization.

In regards to about people after Covid just throwing keys at guest and not putting their all into a job. While that should be addressed, has their been any true introspect on your part as a manger as to what you can do to make that persons life better? There is always onus towards workers, but never a failed system, or out of touch leadership. There is always accountability from the top down, but never the bottom up. Take time out of your day to really understand the people that work under you, understand their struggles. If your guest standards are so high, your pay standards should be high for workers, your benefits should be well above average, it should be a job that affords your employees while not a luxurious living, but yet a comfortable and modest living. Someone such as yourself should work to make the system better, more equitable, rather then hire and fire. Each place you leave should not only reflect as such with presentable guest service standards but standards which make it more equitable for longevity of workers and those who make the company run, on a non salaried level.

As for Amazon I would be careful using this an example of a top company to potential candidates. Amazon in general carries a very negative connotation, especially open activity skewed towards proven Union busting and deplorable working conditions, not just in the US but abroad at other Amazon locations.

In my over a year of interviewing employers I haven’t met a manager that Can place accountability for some of these workplace issues squarely at ownerships feet, or maybe their own, and understand the issues and stresses workers have is a product of a failed system. Looking beyond the professional managerial gate keeping class bubble, and truly understand the simplicity’s of the world around them. It was nice reflecting with you, I unfortunately won’t be moving forward in the hiring process for supervisor.

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