
Honestly feel like I’m being a terrible worker and I don’t mean to be.

I've only been at my job for a few months now and for the last month, I feel like the pressure has been really getting to me. No matter how hard I've tried to befriend my coworkers, it just feels very one way and ultimately, I realized I'm just not a good fit in the work environment. My supervisor and I had a meeting about how things are going and she put me on a new training plan to really evaluate where I'm at. With this new training plan, I can only go to her about any questions I have and she has to review my work before submitting it in our system. Since then, a majority of the time when I have questions for her, I was either given old information that's wrong (confirmed by my other coworkers) or she simply wasn't available at all for assistance, which caused…

I've only been at my job for a few months now and for the last month, I feel like the pressure has been really getting to me. No matter how hard I've tried to befriend my coworkers, it just feels very one way and ultimately, I realized I'm just not a good fit in the work environment. My supervisor and I had a meeting about how things are going and she put me on a new training plan to really evaluate where I'm at. With this new training plan, I can only go to her about any questions I have and she has to review my work before submitting it in our system. Since then, a majority of the time when I have questions for her, I was either given old information that's wrong (confirmed by my other coworkers) or she simply wasn't available at all for assistance, which caused me to submit things late or I had to redo my work when it was incorrect. I feel very discouraged and uninterested in my job now, and it just feels like nothing is clicking for me, even though I am genuinely trying to be better so I don't mess anyone else up.

I've been taking quite a bit of approved time off lately which my boss has always seemed to be okay with and wanted to ensure me it's okay as long as I have the time. But unfortunately, I just got sick this week with COVID and now I'm gonna be out for about a week, as it's still mandatory to stay home for 5 days if you test positive. The workload is obviously going to have to shift to my coworkers now while I'm out and although they're not super fond of me, I still feel so terrible that I caused this, especially since I was already out on leave not too long ago.

I've never really had any major issues like this with my previous workplaces but I am honestly just struggling to the point where it's beginning to take a toll on my overall health. The job is not the worst but with the three points made — no rapport with my coworkers, unreliable supervisor and work that I feel like I genuinely suck at and don't feel interested in — I'm just thinking it's not worth anybody's time, including my own, to keep me around.

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