
Hooray for obvious favoritism

Well I just need to vent cause I'm very frustrated right now. I've dealt with alot of crap at my first job. Harassment both sexual and non. Sabotage of my line. People throwing away my paperwork on me so I had to redo it. Stealing my lunch, pens and headphones. I mean pretty much everything you can think of. I mean if I still had my former natural haircolor of blonde, they'd probably harrass me for it to. But I thought there was finally a glimmer of hope today. A guy in qa is retiring soon and since I have previous experience I thought I could get transferred to the position to get away from the hateful five jerks I gotta deal with on the daily. My supervisor was even backing me since he knows about my previous experience and how hard I work. I got denied, because supposedly I…

Well I just need to vent cause I'm very frustrated right now. I've dealt with alot of crap at my first job. Harassment both sexual and non. Sabotage of my line. People throwing away my paperwork on me so I had to redo it. Stealing my lunch, pens and headphones. I mean pretty much everything you can think of. I mean if I still had my former natural haircolor of blonde, they'd probably harrass me for it to.

But I thought there was finally a glimmer of hope today. A guy in qa is retiring soon and since I have previous experience I thought I could get transferred to the position to get away from the hateful five jerks I gotta deal with on the daily. My supervisor was even backing me since he knows about my previous experience and how hard I work.

I got denied, because supposedly I have to be here three years before I can transfer supposedly. When they let two of the jerks transfer to our area to be with their spouses when both had only been here a year. And one of the guys up front is getting the position despite him only being here four months plus have zero qa experience. I'm so over it, it's not even funny.

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