
hospital almost killed me

Hey guys. This is the wrong place to post but I'm not sure where to post. The hospital I was at almost killed me and my babies. They didn't do pee tests, blood tests, std tests.. I was pregnant with twins. They sent me home while I was in labor and I ended up at a different hospital at 9cm dilated because my hospital refused care. They told me I wasn't in labor and refused to check me. The other hospital checked me and I was 9cm with twins and I didn't even get an epideral which would have been safer for me and my babies… anyways. My husband and his family say it's bad karma to sue the hospital and at this point I'm so upset about watching my babies die over and over. They're fine now, but they spent months in the NICU which I feel could have…

Hey guys. This is the wrong place to post but I'm not sure where to post. The hospital I was at almost killed me and my babies. They didn't do pee tests, blood tests, std tests.. I was pregnant with twins. They sent me home while I was in labor and I ended up at a different hospital at 9cm dilated because my hospital refused care. They told me I wasn't in labor and refused to check me. The other hospital checked me and I was 9cm with twins and I didn't even get an epideral which would have been safer for me and my babies… anyways. My husband and his family say it's bad karma to sue the hospital and at this point I'm so upset about watching my babies die over and over. They're fine now, but they spent months in the NICU which I feel could have been avoided. They are almost 2 years old now and I wake up multiple times in the night and still make sure that their chests are still rising and falling. I am completely changed forever. I spend most nights awake because I spent months in NICU with them watching them die and come back to life. No one really gets it. I just want to know where I can report the doctor for not checking my pee, not checking my cervix when I was rocking back and forth crying, and when I begged her to take me serious and she laughed at me and said “you're having a twin pregnancy, it's going to be rough”… it was my only pregnancy. I needed help. I was 25 with my first babies. I am so lucky they are alive. And it's all thanks to another hospital that they got sent to. So please does anyone know where I can report this to? I am at my wits end. It is only one doctor I have in mind that took on my primary care. The other doctor acknowledged that I didn't get the care I was suppose to but that doctor is still practicing and has multiple reviews that they have killed people… if you look up the hospital, there's so many reviews that doctor was negligent and almost killed other people or did kill that person. I'm in a small town and I'm terrified that other people will go through what I did. I'm also so mad. Where can I report this???

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