
Hot garbage from Brazil – My first job ‘promotion’ (long post)

I'll try to keep this concise but there's a lot to talk about in my workplace. I've been hired 2 years ago, and ever since then things only got progressively worse with the boss and his right hand woman. Shortening an extremely long story, our job is to MONITOR security systems… But we are expected to: Configure every single piece of software used on the sides to 'boost' the monitoring of the business, so it can compete with EXTREMELY BIGGER names such as Verisure. Help the boss with his personal bills and business purchases (as in, keeping tabs on his payment due dates). Clean the workplace, as in: sweep, scrub, wash, and leave it sparkling. We're also in charge of taking out the trash while running the chance of getting locked out of the building. Grocery shop for the business, and deliver packages to the mail office. Keep tabs on…

I'll try to keep this concise but there's a lot to talk about in my workplace.

I've been hired 2 years ago, and ever since then things only got progressively worse with the boss and his right hand woman.

Shortening an extremely long story, our job is to MONITOR security systems… But we are expected to:

  • Configure every single piece of software used on the sides to 'boost' the monitoring of the business, so it can compete with EXTREMELY BIGGER names such as Verisure.
  • Help the boss with his personal bills and business purchases (as in, keeping tabs on his payment due dates).
  • Clean the workplace, as in: sweep, scrub, wash, and leave it sparkling. We're also in charge of taking out the trash while running the chance of getting locked out of the building.
  • Grocery shop for the business, and deliver packages to the mail office.
  • Keep tabs on the business' personal files that have to do with the administration of the clients' payments of their monthly services.
  • Not pursue higher education or technical courses so we can be 'available' for the business whenever we are needed (even outside of our job schedule).
  • Help clients remotely through anydesk so that we can save the boss from sending technicians over to fix their camera software issues.
  • Learn how to set up an internet Switch and how to change IP configurations so that we can help set up the whole system upon which we are only meant to MONITOR.
  • Emit invoices for the business.
  • Learn how to test and configure Radio monitoring in the system.
  • Do the hardware and software maintenance of the local computers and cellphones.

On top of all of that, we are expected to always be on our best behavior, never use our phones, and there has been instances where the boss complained about people using their phones during their BREAK HOUR.

And while cellphone usage is generally restricted in most places, when we were hired, there was a promise we could use both the local computers and our own phones to study and watch short videos as long as it did not impact our productivity, which has not happened, considering this business has grown more than 300% in clientele and value in the last 2 years.

Now… As for that 'promotion'… My boss wants me to be the new Manager, because the very best option has decided to quit this job as she found a better one.

Although he wants me to deal with even MORE tasks, such as training new hired personel, and get even deeper into his already overflowing paperwork, there will be no such thing as salary raise.

My contract will not be altered to reflect my new position, and I am expected to work two hours longer than I already am.

What a promotion, huh? (Just a vent post, I'm not accepting his terms and I might post follow ups to this, lol)

This experience feels like such a fever dream, so I found it appropriate to post here… I'm from Brazil, São Paulo, SP.

Never work on Brás for the sake of your sanity, and avoid Chinese Bosses if you can.

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