
Hours cut after discussing equal pay concerns

I’m task rate. The tasks are measured in hours (book time). My hours are being severely cut though I’m scheduled to be present full-time. The tasks are being outsourced. Last 2 days there was no work issued, today only 2.2 hours worth of work issued. I’m also paid less in book time than other coworkers with similar qualifications, for the exact same work, yet have to produce the same results. The book time applied is up to 60% percent less. Management justifies this with, there’s separate pricing for customer-pay and “internal” and internal techs are paid less because “it’s easy”; paying me much less per flag hour because I’m a “used/internal” car tech though they still expect me to take warranty tickets from mainline. Warranty book times are also cut which compounds on my already cut flag hour wage. For example. Service 1 on Alfa 2.0 pays 1.5hours. .6 if…

I’m task rate. The tasks are measured in hours (book time). My hours are being severely cut though I’m scheduled to be present full-time. The tasks are being outsourced. Last 2 days there was no work issued, today only 2.2 hours worth of work issued.

I’m also paid less in book time than other coworkers with similar qualifications, for the exact same work, yet have to produce the same results. The book time applied is up to 60% percent less. Management justifies this with, there’s separate pricing for customer-pay and “internal” and internal techs are paid less because “it’s easy”; paying me much less per flag hour because I’m a “used/internal” car tech though they still expect me to take warranty tickets from mainline. Warranty book times are also cut which compounds on my already cut flag hour wage.

For example. Service 1 on Alfa 2.0 pays 1.5hours. .6 if it’s an internal (used car, loaner vehicle, employee car). Equivalent tech on mainline would get 30$x1.5hr= 45$
I get 23.5$x.6 = $14.10
The technical aspects, included services, and steps of the task itself is the same.

4 year service on an Alfa 2.9L
Line tech : $30x 8.5hrs $255
Me: $23.5 x 5.5hrs. = $129.25

Applied for reduction in hours Unemployment. Weekly Benefit amount is the max but less than half what I was making per week.

Others in the industry say “toolboxes have wheels for a reason, quit”

If I quit without 2 weeks notice, I’ll be ineligible for rehire at any location owned by this Fortune 500 company.

Last week I only flagged 16 hours when I can do up to 90 and usually at least 60.

I went to HR with equal pay concerns showed them what I was making on a task compared to a line tech doing the same task…. And asked for a copy of my job description, what they gave me was titled “technician” and listed a compensation band above what I’m being paid. I asked if she could recheck if that’s the correct job description bc my boss says my pay is lower because I’m mostly used cars and I’m not being paid the minimum disclosed in that description. She said it was correct. There is no “used car tech” job description. and the next day my manager wrote me up for “bad attitude” and “insubordination” and said “we have an open door policy” and he was upset I talked to HR. I had already tried to talk about it with him prior. This is when my hours started being cut.

I’m the only woman in the shop.

There is a restructuring of management coming very soon. Wondering if I should though it out, keep building my resume with manufacturer certifications, and see if things turn around after my bad boss is gone, or if I should ditch now.

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