
How? And what’s the point?

I need to Vent. How am I supposed to be able to take care of my family on one income. I work my ass off, I’ve worked in person for the last three years, as it’s the best opportunity for my skill set. I’ve scratched and clawed my way to an upper management position in the hospitality industry. My wife and I scrapped all our information together so we could buy a house, so we could insure a roof over our heads on our terms, five years ago we were both essentially homeless. Now we have two kids, so she can’t work as there isn’t quality child care in our area. And now in an emergency we don’t qualify for a line of credit after a car collision. With a bank that I’ve been with for ten years, who also holds our mortgage. I have really good good credit (…

I need to Vent. How am I supposed to be able to take care of my family on one income. I work my ass off, I’ve worked in person for the last three years, as it’s the best opportunity for my skill set.

I’ve scratched and clawed my way to an upper management position in the hospitality industry. My wife and I scrapped all our information together so we could buy a house, so we could insure a roof over our heads on our terms, five years ago we were both essentially homeless. Now we have two kids, so she can’t work as there isn’t quality child care in our area.

And now in an emergency we don’t qualify for a line of credit after a car collision. With a bank that I’ve been with for ten years, who also holds our mortgage. I have really good good credit ( what’s the point ?)

How are we supposed to make this work? I work so much I barely get to see my family and even if I find a better paying job most likely it’ll mean as much or more time away from my family. How is this supposed to be our purpose in life?

I’m open to advice but I’m mostly here to vent, Thank you for reading.

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