
How are you supposed to be happy working every day?

All I wish is for the day to be over so I can walk my dog, go to gym, and relax and watch tv or read a book. Doing this 5x a week for eternity and having a split second 2 days off is torture. Tried reading self help, didn’t help. Doctor gave me Prozac, didn’t help. It’s nothing but never ending wishing for the day to be over, and knowing you have to do it again next day.

All I wish is for the day to be over so I can walk my dog, go to gym, and relax and watch tv or read a book. Doing this 5x a week for eternity and having a split second 2 days off is torture. Tried reading self help, didn’t help. Doctor gave me Prozac, didn’t help. It’s nothing but never ending wishing for the day to be over, and knowing you have to do it again next day.

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