
How can homeless people rise OUT of poverty if jobs want to charge for uniforms in order TO start?

I was given a job offer at a warehouse for fulfillment. The interviewing staff was nice and told me to come as I was, but before I left and received my schedule, my first day is tomorrow night (overnight job), I was told that I was required to show up with a specific uniform or be reprimanded, which contradicted what I was told my the guy who hired me. After discussion I was told by who would be my immediate boss when I start, that I needed to wear a collared green shirt, and I needed to have black no-slip shoes. I actually had these shoes already in dark brown, but he said the company uniform requirements are that only black shoes are allowed. Even when I told him my situation he told me it wasn't his problem. He wouldn't give me an alternative, no IOU with my paycheck if…

I was given a job offer at a warehouse for fulfillment. The interviewing staff was nice and told me to come as I was, but before I left and received my schedule, my first day is tomorrow night (overnight job), I was told that I was required to show up with a specific uniform or be reprimanded, which contradicted what I was told my the guy who hired me.

After discussion I was told by who would be my immediate boss when I start, that I needed to wear a collared green shirt, and I needed to have black no-slip shoes. I actually had these shoes already in dark brown, but he said the company uniform requirements are that only black shoes are allowed. Even when I told him my situation he told me it wasn't his problem. He wouldn't give me an alternative, no IOU with my paycheck if they could help get it. I've been applying for a long time now and finally I get a job and I can't even start because they want me to pay despite not having income because I've been unsheltered for about a year now.

There's no discount or thrift stores where I am just neiman marcus, 5th avenue type stores for clothing, black shoes for cheap (relatively) can only be found at Macys, which charges $55 for them in black since my brown slip free shoes are no good according to my boss. There's a small target store with limited items that charges $20 for the green shirt. Together that's $75!!! To start???

How am I supposed to start working so I can get my life in order and rise out of poverty, if Employers (the only one to call and hire me in a year) prevent me from doing so by expecting me to pay? How do I get around this or do I end up back to the drawing board with nothing? Job would be a good opportunity at $17.50/hr fulltime but then how do I get it if I have to pay? Shelter doesn't help.

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