
How can I set boundaries with my boss?

My boss has proven herself to be manipulative, unkind, untrustworthy, and all around a bad person. My department is working on getting something to change, as this year things have gotten particularly toxic. Unfortunately, it’s a sticky situation (anyone who has worked in a private school knows how tricky the admin politics can be) and it will be a while before change is seen. For the moment, as I am the person who works most closely with her (lucky me), I need to set boundaries for my own health. She was aggressive and manipulative with me directly a few weeks ago, but her M.O. with everything is to pretend it’s all fine and dandy. How can I set boundaries with her without rocking the boat more than I need to? I do not want to joke with her or share personal details, but I also need to keep her sated…

My boss has proven herself to be manipulative, unkind, untrustworthy, and all around a bad person. My department is working on getting something to change, as this year things have gotten particularly toxic. Unfortunately, it’s a sticky situation (anyone who has worked in a private school knows how tricky the admin politics can be) and it will be a while before change is seen. For the moment, as I am the person who works most closely with her (lucky me), I need to set boundaries for my own health. She was aggressive and manipulative with me directly a few weeks ago, but her M.O. with everything is to pretend it’s all fine and dandy. How can I set boundaries with her without rocking the boat more than I need to? I do not want to joke with her or share personal details, but I also need to keep her sated for the moment.

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