
How can this be considered mandatory?

My work had Aflac come in last week in the middle of a busy day to do a presentation. Some attended, others couldn’t. I myself stopped by during my only free 25 minutes I had that day. 3 days later, office management sends out an email that they gave the Aflac representatives all of our phone numbers and while “purchasing a supplemental insurance package” from them was optional, answering their call and listening to the details of all the packages they have to offer “is mandatory”. How can this be mandatory??? Am I missing something?

My work had Aflac come in last week in the middle of a busy day to do a presentation. Some attended, others couldn’t. I myself stopped by during my only free 25 minutes I had that day. 3 days later, office management sends out an email that they gave the Aflac representatives all of our phone numbers and while “purchasing a supplemental insurance package” from them was optional, answering their call and listening to the details of all the packages they have to offer “is mandatory”. How can this be mandatory??? Am I missing something?

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