
How do conflict of Interest policies to protect “intellectual property” make sense?

For example, I am a software developer and I worked remote full time. At my job, we signed a few papers basically stating that if we make income anywhere else we need to get it approved first. I’m not trying to solve nuclear physics over here, I’m making a drop down menu for a website, so how does me wanting a second part time contracting job conflict with my current company? I just want to make more money. Can they even actually tell I have a second job from my taxes or anything? How do they know?

For example, I am a software developer and I worked remote full time. At my job, we signed a few papers basically stating that if we make income anywhere else we need to get it approved first.

I’m not trying to solve nuclear physics over here, I’m making a drop down menu for a website, so how does me wanting a second part time contracting job conflict with my current company?

I just want to make more money. Can they even actually tell I have a second job from my taxes or anything? How do they know?

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