I work for a large family owned corporate office that’s generates approx 20 billion dollars a year and we have employees who have to get picked up by someone everyday cause they can’t afford their own car, have to put water in their cars everyday because they can’t afford to fix theirs, people who have chronically sick kids who have used up all their pto and get no (shit) pay when their kids have emergencies, have to work second jobs part time after work, etc, etc, etc. I get second hand embarrassment seeing this. Maybe my talk is cheap and why I’ll never own a business this “successful “, but I would die of shame and guilt if I knew my workers had to live this way. Especially since those are the people who really make us go round while the directors and upper management who are pocketing 6 figures have “meetings” with each other all day , then come up and tell us we aren’t being efficient enough, we’re not allocating time correctly, we’re not justifying our position in the company. Absolutely makes me sick. I’m fresh out of college and been there 6 months.