
How do I deal with a coworker (not boss or manager) that is trying to micromanage me?

So this girl started at my job a few months ago. I've been here for 7 months. She just got promoted to the same position as me (lead) and we are now equals in the hierarchy. She isn't straight up micromanaging me yet but I can tell she wants to. I had some price tags on my shirt that I pulled today and she said, “Do yOu ThInK ThAts a good PlacE tO put ThOsE?”. I just said, “yeah! I'm for sale!” And walked away. Like bruh. Who fucking cares that I have tags on my sweatshirt, not even our actual manager cares. And it's outside her pay grade to care. It annoyed me. Another instance is she criticized one of our coworkers, x. She said, “how do feel about x? I feel like they're a slow worker and complain too much”. This coworker she is talking about works in…

So this girl started at my job a few months ago. I've been here for 7 months. She just got promoted to the same position as me (lead) and we are now equals in the hierarchy.

She isn't straight up micromanaging me yet but I can tell she wants to. I had some price tags on my shirt that I pulled today and she said, “Do yOu ThInK ThAts a good PlacE tO put ThOsE?”. I just said, “yeah! I'm for sale!” And walked away.

Like bruh. Who fucking cares that I have tags on my sweatshirt, not even our actual manager cares. And it's outside her pay grade to care. It annoyed me.

Another instance is she criticized one of our coworkers, x. She said, “how do feel about x? I feel like they're a slow worker and complain too much”. This coworker she is talking about works in a “subdepartment” of our department so his work ethic literally doesn't matter to us. Also she would have to be literally watching him all day to see fast/slow he works. Again, why does she care? His work literally doesn't affect us, just like how having a tag on my sweatshirt doesn't affect her at all.

Idk. She's annoying the fuck out of me. She takes this stupid underpaying grocery job way too seriously. I can't stand people like her, boot licking kool aid drinkers. Just do what's asked of you and go home.

Anyways. What's an emotionally intelligent respectful way I can deal with this?

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